Zaheer Uddin how fix error signup successful but not in database but it works on local

In the event that you are encountering an issue where an effective sign-up isn't being saved in your data set however it deals with your nearby climate, there are a couple of things you can check to investigate the issue:

Confirm that your information base certifications are right: Twofold really take a look at that the qualifications for your creation data set (expecting you are encountering this issue on a creation climate) are right and that you can interface with it.

Actually look at your data set association: Guarantee that your creation climate can interface with your information base server. You can do this by running a straightforward content that endeavors to interface with your data set.

Check for information base mistakes: Search for any data set blunders or special cases that might be happening when the client joins. These blunders might be keeping the information from being saved to the data set.

Actually take a look at your code for blunders: Survey your code to ensure there are no mistakes that might be keeping the information from being saved to the data set. Check for any punctuation mistakes or consistent blunders that might be available.

Check your information base construction: Guarantee that your creation data set is organized the same way as your nearby data set. Ensure that the table construction and field types are something very similar.

Use troubleshooting apparatuses: Use investigating instruments, for example, logging or blunder following, to distinguish any issues that might be happening during the sign-up process.

Look for help from a designer: In the event that you are as yet encountering issues, it very well might be useful to look for help from an engineer who has experience investigating data set issues. They might have the option to give extra experiences or arrangements

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